America's Rifle Challenge | NRA Explore

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Americas Rifle Challenge

The National Rifle Association, as part of NRA 2.0 in 2025, is launching an AR based competition called the “America’s Rifle Challenge Program.”  The NRA America's Rifle Challenge (ARC) is a competitive shooting program designed to encourage the “every day responsible rifle owner” to do more than just target practice at the range; it gives them a fun, exhilarating introduction to the action shooting sports with their AR.

NOTE: The NRA plans to release the full NRA America’s Rifle Challenge rule book as well as NRA ARC requirements for clubs/ranges no later than August 1, 2025.  Be sure to join our email list for updates and follow us on our NRA Competitive Shooting Facebook page for more information. 

 Visit our magazine Shooting Sports USA for more information on this new discipline!

Regional ARC Match April 19, 2025


NRA Competition Registration Portal

 Check out the match information, then come join us for a great match. Stick around for awards and a free BBQ afterwards! We will have NRA American Rifleman TV out to cover this event.

NRA Join Now Call to action with hunters walking through the woods

Register for Level 1 or the Level 2 Match

Intended for AR owners new to competitive shooting. Comprises of standardized skills test that tests shooters accuracy, speed, and mechanics. L1 matches are conducted from 100 yards and inward, with a balance of both time and accuracy being measured in every event. There are currently five total stages of fire in this match, with more in development.

Intended for more experienced competitive shooters. L2 matches test the full range of shooting skills and tasks in a dynamic, faster-paced format shot in both shooting bays and across natural terrain. L2 matches are conducted from 500 yards inward. The match stages are created by match sites in a decentralized manner using guidance provided from the rulebook.

Blue Icon of a Sporting Rifle Over a Map of the United States

1 out of 4

The popularity of the AR platform has skyrocketed, with one out of every four rifles made in the U.S. being an AR pattern rifle or pistol.

Blue Icon of a Sporting Rifle Displayed Over a Wild Boar

Many Uses

Because of their versatility, ARs have become the firearm of choice in common use for hunters, competitive shooters and defensive shooters alike.

Blue Icon of a Target

Over 13.2 Million

The rifle platform in general is extremely popular with over 13.2 million U.S. target shooters practicing with rifles.

Want To Know More Blue Question Mark Icon

For more information on ARC or other competitive shooting events, call (703) 267-1450 or email [email protected].

America's Rifle Challenge

NRA America’s Rifle Challenge (ARC) is a training program designed to offer AR owners of all skill levels the opportunity to learn, or further develop, their skills.